Predators on the Fly
These Reservoirs boast a huge abundance of prey fish including the high protein trout that are stocked into them. This gives the predators that also lurk in these reservoirs the opportunity to grow to huge and often double figure sizes. Grafham and Rutland offer the opportunity to target Zander as well as Pike and Perch.

The Reservoirs
Pitsford Reservoir's incredible numbers of baitfish have led to a thriving population of Pike and Perch. Large Perch of 3lb plus are not uncommon. Although large Pike are caught to 30lb +, Pitsford is famous for large quantities of smaller Pike providing great sport on fly tackle.
Famous for its Zander Grafham is a brilliant reservoir to target predators on the fly. Grafham holds Pike, Perch and Zander to huge sizes with Zander over 10lb and Pike over 20lb. Large perch over 3lb are also caught frequently on the fly.
The king of all UKÂ reservoirs. Rutland's predator fishing (on the fly) is mainly about Pike with some awesome fishing at the top of the North and South arm in the shallower waters. Pike over 20lb are not uncommon. Rutland also contains Perch and Zander however they tend not to get to the sizes seen at Pitsford and Grafham.
Ravensthorpe is a small reservoir when compared to the other Anglian Water reservoirs. Being largely a catch and release trout water the pike have grown to huge sizes gorging on catch and release fatalities and expending very little energy. Ravensthorpe is a difficult water to fish with blanks not uncommon, however when you do get one it is well worth it.
Lure fishing for predators
These Reservoirs boast a huge abundance of prey fish including the high protein trout that are stocked into them. This gives the predators that also lurk in these reservoirs the opportunity to grow to huge and often double figure sizes. Grafham and Rutland offer the opportunity to target Zander as well as Pike and Perch.

The Reservoirs.
Pitsford is unique in the fact that you can lure fish for predators from may 16th all the way through to January. Spinning for trout in July and August is also permitted. Deadbaiting for pike is also permitted from October through until the end of January.
Rutlands lure fishing begins in September and finishes at the end of January, deadbaiting begins in October and also ends in January. vertical jigging for the reservoirs perch and Zander is very popular with large numbers of smaller fish being caught.
Grafhams lure fishing begins in September and finishes at the end of January, deadbaiting begins in October and also ends in January. vertical jigging for the reservoirs perch and Zander is very popular with large Zander and perch being caught. Zander over 10lb and perch over 3lb are not uncommon. Pike are often taken in the shallower water to lures.